London: Sam Neter, Sevian and Harky

Sam Neter
Since moving to London in 2005, Sam Neter has invested his life to the growth of basketball in his community, becoming a leading figure in documenting and communicating the power of UK Basketball globally. He has done so through his website with news, videos, features podcasts and more, along with the annual Hoopsfix All-Star Classic in Brixton, a junior showcase of top basketball talent in the country. Leading a program to refurbish courts across the UK, he has teamed up with Basketball England and Foot Locker for the upcoming Clapham Common launch in 2021.
"The basketball mindset is trying to be the best you can"

Sam Neter
Since moving to South London in 2005,
Sam Neter has invested his life to th
growth of basketball in his community,
becoming a leading figure in documenting
and communicating the power of UK
Basketball globally. He has done so
through Hoopsfix Championships,
editorials, podcasts and more. Leading
a program to refurbish courts across the
UK, he has teamed up with Basketball
England and Foot Locker for the upcoming
Clapham Common launch in 2021.
"The basketball mindset is trying to be the best you can"

Sam Neter
Since moving to South London in 2005, Sam Neter has invested his life to the growth of basketball in his community, becoming a leading figure in documenting and communicating the power of UK Basketball globally. He has done so through Hoopsfix Championships, editorials, podcasts and more. Leading a program to refurbish courts across the UK, he has teamed up with Basketball England and Foot Locker for the upcoming Clapham Common launch in 2021.
"The basketball mindset is trying to be the best you can"

Foot Locker a choisi la communauté de Brixton, à Londres, dans le but de promouvoir cette passion pour le sport et les valeurs qui lui sont inhérentes. Tu trouveras ici tout ce que tu veux savoir sur nos initiés locaux de Brixton. Nous nous sommes associés à Sam Neter et Sevian, deux représentants éminents du basket local, pour mener nos projets dans cette partie de la capitale.
Initiés locaux

Sam Neter
Since moving to Londres in 2005, Sam Neter has invested his life to the growth of basketball in his communauté, becoming a leading figure in documenting and communicating the power of UK Basket globally. He has done so through his website, with nouveautéss, videos, faractéristiques podcasts and more, along with the annual Hoopsfix Tout-Star Classic in Brixton, a junior showcase of top basketball talent in the country. Leading a program to refurbish courts across the UK, he has teamed up with Basket England and Foot Locker for the upcoming Clapham Common launch in 2021. "The basketball mindset is trying to be the best you can"

Sevian stands as a mentor and female inspiration in the Basket communauté, which is heavily dominated by men. She plays ball, coaches as part of Londres Youth Games and has been Nike's go to ambassador for the sport in campaigns both locally and globally. Sevian has also turned her passion into art pieces wici she brings the culture of basketball off the court. She is working with Foot Locker & the NBA to design the bespoke South Londres Kits that will be donated to a local youth centre as part of the court refurbishment plans in 2021. "My discipline comes from basketball"
L'art inspiré par le jeu joue un rôle important dans l'épanouissement de la culture du basket-ball hors terrain. Partout dans le monde, des artistes sont guidés par les légendes et les histoires de la NBA. Des peintures murales Kobe aux illustrations mêlant art japonais et basket-ball, nous rendons hommage à tous ceux qui s'inspirent du croisement entre sport et créativité pour élever leur niveau de jeu. Nous sommes fiers de te présenter deux de ces visionnaires et leur travail incroyable.
Deux artistes en vogue s'affrontent dans le domaine de la peinture, créant six ballons de basket-ball NBA personnalisés inspirés par les équipes et leurs villes. Representing Londres we have Harky and for Paris, Shaz. Tous deux sont inspirés par la culture du basket-ball et élèvent leur niveau de jeu en relevant un nouveau défi : au lieu d'une toile, ils utilisent une sphère pour exprimer leur créativité. On a hâte de voir comment chacun maîtrise le ballon à sa manière.
Paris vs Londres

Harkiran Kalsi est une artiste énergique et passionnante qui utilise son art pour apporter des vibrations positives et encourager les gens. Son travail mêle design graphique, peintures murales, illustrations et typographie à main levée. She is heavily influenced by the Nouveautés York art scene and graffiti, her unique bubble style created as by her own admission she never really got the hang of tagging. Bref, du Harky tout craché : elle aime trouver sa propre expression créative en enfreignant les règles. Elle cite volontiers Kobe comme une grande influence « Tout ce qui est négatif, comme la pression ou les défis, est une opportunité pour moi de m'élever ». Elle aime utiliser sa plateforme pour mettre en lumière ce qui est important. « Le but ultime me dépasse, tout tourne autour des gens à qui je peux être utile. C'est donc mon devoir de m'assurer que je peux avoir une influence positive sur le monde."